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$40.00 USD
In the second installment of FCIA’s webinar series on Latin American women leaders, we will focus on women as small cacao farm owners in two important cacao-producing regions of the Americas: Monte Plata in the Dominican Republic and the Peruvian Amazon. Learn about the geographic and historic matrix that shaped each of these remarkable women: María Virgen Almonte, La Mina (Yamasá, Monte Plata), a cacao farmer, community and environmental leader; Luz Jungbluth of Nina Chocolate , Chazuta (San Martin, Peru) a cacao farmer and chocolate maker Aylin Quinteros, President Asociación Mishky Cacao, Chazuta (San Martin, Peru) They will discuss challenges each faces, managing family and farming as independent operators or members of cooperatives or associations, and contributing to country branding as artisanal chocolate makers.